What is a webring?
A webring is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, usually organized around a specific theme, and often educational or social. They were popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, particularly among amateur websites.From the Webring page on Wikipedia
Let's bring back webrings!
With a lot of the ball-jointed doll community now on social media, it can be hard to find personal doll sites. The idea behind this webring is to connect the doll community, and make it easier to find doll owners who have their own doll website.
How does it work?
First, you need a site that's about ball-jointed dolls. This should be a site where you can edit the HTML to add the webring code, not a social media account.
Then, please apply to join using the form below.
After you've applied, you should add a code snippet to your website. The code snippet is just a set of links, specifically:
- a link to this page, for anyone who wants to join the webring or see the full list of members
- links to the next and previous sites in the webring
- a link to a random site in the webring
Join the webring
- No recast dolls. Any site featuring recast dolls will be removed from the webring.
- Your site must be at least partly about ball-jointed dolls.
- Your site must be a personal site or blog, not a social media account. It should be possible for you to add a code snippet - so not a site like Instagram, Bluesky, etc.
- Your site should not only be a shop. It's fine if you have a shop as part of the site, though.
Apply to join
Code snippets
Add the code snippet of your choice to your website. You can put the snippet anywhere you like, though preferably on the home page, to make it easier to find. (For example, your site footer is a great place, if you have one.)
Make sure to replace YOUR_SITE_URL
with the exact URL you entered in the form.
You can modify the code as much as you like, as long as you don't change the link URLs (apart from replacing YOUR_SITE_URL
). If you need any help with this, please feel free to contact me.
Option 1
<div style="border: 1px solid; padding: 0.5em 1em; display: inline-block; text-align: center;">
<a href="https://ball-jointed.club/">ball-jointed.club - a BJD webring</a><br>
<a href="https://ball-jointed.club/previous?id=YOUR_SITE_URL">← Previous</a> • <a href="https://ball-jointed.club/random">Random</a> • <a href="https://ball-jointed.club/next?id=YOUR_SITE_URL">Next →</a>
It will look something like this (using your site's own font and link styles):
Option 2
<a href="https://ball-jointed.club/previous?id=YOUR_SITE_URL">← Previous</a> • <a href="https://ball-jointed.club/">ball-jointed.club - a BJD webring</a> • <a href="https://ball-jointed.club/random">Random</a> • <a href="https://ball-jointed.club/next?id=YOUR_SITE_URL">Next →</a>
It will look something like this (using your site's own font and link styles):
← Previous • ball-jointed.club - a BJD webring • Random • Next →Members
Here are the current members of the webring. Links will open in a new tab.
Contact me
If you have any questions or need help with the snippets, you can send me a message with the form below.
You can also get in touch if you'd like your site removed, or need the link updated.